I am contacting you to announce the celebration of the “V Theoretical-Practical School on Fluorescence and Laser Flash Photosynthesis Techniques” that will take place at the Institute of Chemical Technology (UPV-CSIC) next February 2025, from 3rd to 7th (https://itq.upv-csic.es/noticia/v-theoretical-practical-school-on-fluorescence-and-laser-flash-photolysis-techniques-2025).
Registration is open until capacity is reached (24 spots).
You can find more details and start registration at the following link:https://www.cfp.upv.es/formacion-permanente/curso/v-escuela-teorico-practica-tecnicas-fluorescencia-fotolisis-destello-laser_99360.html
“The Specialized Group of Photochemistry (GRUFO) of the Royal Spanish Society of Chemistry (RSEQ) offers financial support for participation. These grants will be aimed at postgraduate students (master’s or doctorate) and postdoctoral researchers in photochemistry or related areas. Candidates must be members of GRUFO (https://grufo.rseq.org/) at the time of application. Beneficiaries must have passed the school’s final exam to be able to enjoy the aid. Since the purpose of the aid is to facilitate the participation of students from all over the world, candidates residing in Valencia will be rejected.
It is important to mention that the participants who are applying for this support must pay personally the registration fee; it will not be possible to refund this fee to any public institution. Deadline: 04/03/2025. More details will soon be published at https://grufo.rseq.org/noticias/.”
We strongly encourage you to apply for these grants.
The school teachers
Dra. M. Luisa Marin
Dra. Virginie Lhiaubet
Dr. Francisco Boscá
Dr. Pedro E. Atienzar